Your septic tank is a vital element in your plumbing system. It stores and processes wastewater, so you must get it cleaned in order to keep it functioning optimally. According to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, most homes need a septic tank cleaned every three to five years to remove built-up waste. Here are five steps professionals generally follow when cleaning your septic tank.
1. The Tank Is Pumped Out
Pumping out the tank is the first step in cleaning. This process removes solids and liquids from the septic tank. Your septic tank cleaner service will begin by using a cleaning truck to pump these elements out. In terms of time, this service takes anywhere from a few hours to a full day.
2. The Tank Is Cleaned
A septic tank cleaner uses a special tool to scrub the walls of the septic tank. This scrubbing removes any built-up waste and septic tank cleaning fluid. This process can take a few hours depending on the size of the tank. During this process, the cleaner will inspect the tank for any signs of damage or cracked walls.
3. Components Are Replaced
In addition to cleaning, now’s the time to replace worn-out components. These parts include filters, lids, and seepage pipes. Replacing various parts is part of septic tank maintenance and will help keep your system running optimally.
4. Possible Leaks Are Checked
Once the septic tank is cleaned and components are replaced, professionals can check for any seepage or leaks. Your septic system service will run water into the septic tank and inspect for any signs of seepage outside of it. If any seepage is detected, the professionals will need to fix the issue.
5. Bacteria Is Added
Adding bacteria to the tank is a surprising step in the cleaning process. These bacteria help break down waste in your septic tank, so professionals must add enough of it to ensure your septic system functions correctly. Bacteria also help prevent future seepage and cleaner fluid build-up.
Getting your septic tank cleaned regularly is essential for proper maintenance. By following these five steps, professionals will keep your septic tank running smoothly for years to come. If you’re ever in doubt or need help, contacting a septic system service is always the best way to keep your system clean and on code. Call Watkins Septic & Drain LLC today to get started with a septic tank cleaner!