If you’ve ever smelled an overflowing septic tank, you’ll never forget it. This is a horribly foul stench and it’s actually unhealthy for you to be around. Human waste is a toxic hazard. You shouldn’t breathe in those fumes or be exposed to that mess in any way. It’s dangerous for you and for your pets. That’s why it’s so important for you to know a good septic tank cleaner.
What Are Septic Tanks?
Septic tanks are sometimes the only solution to the very real problem of human waste. For homes that don’t have sewers, the septic tank is really the only other option. They work great. The drainage pipes run to the septic tank and all that nasty stuff goes here. There’s just one problem: septic tanks fill up. You need regular septic services and a septic tank cleaner to empty that tank. If you don’t… well, you’re not going to like what happens.
When a septic tank overflows, all of that human waste ends up pouring up and out of the tank..and into your yard. Every time the toilet flushes or any water goes down a drain, more of that junk backs up into your yard until the tank is emptied. That tank definitely isn’t going to empty itself. This is why you need a septic tank cleaner and you need one that’s reliable, reputable and who will come out and get the job done quickly and well.
What Does a Septic Tank Cleaner Do?
A septic tank cleaner has all the necessary equipment and knowledge to empty your tank so that all of your plumbing can be used again. They will not just empty the tank but they will do it in a safe manner that will not cause spillage or contamination in your yard. They will then go on to dispose of this waste material safely so that it will not cause harm to any people or to the environment.
On average, a septic tank will require cleaning every three to five years (per the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control). The best way to avoid septic tank problems is to schedule regular maintenance with a septic tank cleaner. A long stand septic tank company may allow you to schedule appointments years in advance, or perhaps add you to a mailing list to send you reminders when it’s time to clean your septic tank. A steady septic tank cleaning service will keep your tank cleaned out so that it will not overflow in your yard and create lots of gross, smelly problems.
How Do You Find a Good Septic Tank Cleaner?
Looking for septic tank companies isn’t always easy. You may find many different options out there but how do you know which septic tank cleaner is the right one for you? The sheer number of available options can be overwhelming.
Start looking for the right septic tank company by looking in your local area. The closer the company is to your septic tank, the fewer extra charges you will avoid. If a company has to travel very far to access a septic tank, certain travel and gas charges may apply. You want to avoid all the extra costs you can for your septic tank maintenance.
Good septic tank cleaners aren’t hard to come by but you do need to do your research. once you’ve located some septic services in your local area, start doing the work to separate the good from the great and find the right septic tank cleaner for your property. Search individual companies you are considering and look for customer reviews that can give you more information. Satisfied customers are the best measure of sewer and drain services of all kinds.
If you don’t know where to begin to find good septic services, search for local plumbers. Plumbing companies usually have a septic tank cleaner who can perform this service and get your tank emptied.
Don’t hesitate to get a septic tank cleaner out to your property, especially if you aren’t sure how full your tank might be. You don’t want to wait until there’s already a problem. Schedule the maintenance, get the tank emptied and maintain a schedule and have the tank cleaned every three years or so.